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Protect Your Cross-Border E-commerce Business: Top Scams and Prevention Strategies


In today’s interconnected world, cross-border e-commerce offers immense opportunities for businesses to reach a global market. However, with the rise in online trade, there has also been an increase in sophisticated scams targeting exporters. As an exporter, it’s crucial to be aware of these scams and implement effective prevention strategies to safeguard your business. In this article, we will discuss three prevalent cross-border e-commerce scams and offer actionable tips to protect your company from falling victim to fraud.


  1. Phishing Scam: Don’t Take the Bait! The phishing scam is one of the most common and deceptive tactics used by fraudsters to steal sensitive information from exporters. In this scam, fraudsters release malicious links and attachments disguised as legitimate emails or messages. Once an exporter clicks on these links or provides their credentials, hackers can gain access to their email account. Subsequently, scammers impersonate the exporter and instruct buyers to make payments to the fraudster’s account. To avoid falling prey to this scam, follow these essential prevention measures:

a. Be cautious with links and attachments: Never click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources. b. Safeguard email credentials: Avoid sharing email passwords on non-official websites and consider using two-factor authentication for added security. c. Use antivirus software: Regularly update and maintain antivirus software on your computers to detect and prevent phishing attempts.

  1. Overpayment Scam: Spotting the Red Flags In the overpayment scam, fraudsters pose as buyers and place orders, but they send payments exceeding the actual order value. They convince the exporter to transfer the excess amount to other supposed suppliers, promising a commission as an incentive. Unfortunately, the initial overpayment is often sourced from other victims of phishing scams, and exporters unwittingly become “money mules.” Protect your business from overpayment scams with these guidelines:

a. Verify buyer legitimacy: Conduct thorough background checks on buyers, especially if they request unusual payment methods or seem overly eager to send large sums of money. b. Question excessive payments: Exercise caution when dealing with overpayments and seek clarity from the buyer before proceeding with any money transfers. c. Report suspicious activity: If you suspect a potential overpayment scam, notify the relevant authorities immediately to protect your business and others from falling victim.

  1. Third-Party Insurance Exploitation Scam: Read Between the Lines Scammers in the third-party insurance exploitation scam play the role of cooperative buyers, insisting on payment terms that expose exporters to high risks. They encourage exporters to take out commercial insurance, but once the goods are shipped, the buyer vanishes. Upon attempting to claim insurance coverage, exporters find that the policy does not cover losses resulting from fraudulent buyers. Protect yourself from this scam with these preventive measures:

a. Verify buyer’s creditworthiness: Thoroughly assess the buyer’s legitimacy and credit history before accepting payment terms like D/A or O/A. b. Scrutinize shipping details: Double-check the buyer’s shipping address and be wary of any sudden requests to ship goods to different companies. c. Confirm insurance coverage: Before securing insurance, verify that the buyer is an approved enterprise for credit by the insurance company.


As an exporter engaged in cross-border e-commerce, staying informed about the latest scams and implementing robust prevention measures is vital to protect your business and reputation. By being vigilant, verifying buyer authenticity, and taking proactive steps to enhance cybersecurity, you can navigate the global marketplace with confidence and safeguard your company from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Remember, knowledge and preparedness are your best allies in the battle against cross-border e-commerce scams.

Post time: Jul-21-2023