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OBD International Logistics Expert Analysis

OBD International Logistics Expert Analysis: Impact of Canadian Port Strike on US West Coast Shipping Rates

The recent Canadian port strike has garnered widespread attention in the shipping market. While it may provide short-term support for freight rates on the US West Coast, the resistance of West Coast port workers to handle cargo diverted from Canadian ports may limit its impact. However, if the strike continues for an extended period, operators on the US West Coast could struggle to cope with increased demand, potentially leading to a rise in freight rates.

As a professional international logistics company, OBD International Logistics closely monitors global shipping market dynamics. In this analysis, we delve into the impact of the Canadian port strike on US West Coast shipping rates, showcasing our expertise in the logistics field.


The Canadian port strike, which originated on June 28th when the ILWU (International Longshore and Warehouse Union) announced its strike notice, has seen ongoing negotiations between labor and management. The strike resulted in a backlog of over 63,000 containers and an estimated CAD 9.7 billion reduction in trade. Under the intervention of Canada’s Ministry of Labor and Transport, negotiations made progress, leading to a temporary 4-year agreement. However, the agreement was not ratified internally by the union members, leading to the resumption of the strike on July 18th.

Impact on US West Coast Shipping Rates:

Why does the Canadian port strike impact US West Coast shipping rates? It’s because of the proximity between Canadian ports, like Vancouver, and US West Coast ports like Seattle and San Francisco. With Canadian ports experiencing disruptions, diverting cargo through US West Coast ports becomes an optimal solution for shippers. While US West Coast ports have also faced labor issues in the past, they have recently resumed normal operations and can handle diverted cargo.

However, the transfer of cargo is not as smooth as anticipated due to the solidarity of US West Coast port workers with their Canadian counterparts. ILWU President Willie Adams stated that US West Coast ports would not accept ships diverted from Canadian ports due to the strike, which limits the surge in demand.

OBD International Logistics Professional Expertise:

As a professional international logistics company, OBD International Logistics is committed to providing high-quality, efficient, safe, and reliable logistics services. We understand the impact of dynamic shipping market changes on our clients and the industry, and we can swiftly adjust and respond.

To address the impact of the Canadian port strike on US West Coast shipping rates, we have conducted thorough analysis and research, providing relevant information and advice to our clients. We advise clients to explore alternative container shipping options and make informed decisions based on their specific circumstances. We emphasize the importance of cargo safety and risk mitigation during the transfer process.

We recommend clients to reach out to us for specialized, personalized, and comprehensive logistics service solutions. We will closely monitor cargo transfers, providing secure, fast, reliable, and efficient logistics service assurance.

In conclusion

In a globalized, diversified, and complex market environment, OBD International Logistics will continue to uphold our professional, honest, innovative, and service-oriented principles, providing our clients with superior, high-quality, efficient, and reliable logistics services.

Post time: Jul-29-2023